
The Most Ridiculous Story Ever

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johnmuise's avatar

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The theory of evolution is the most ridiculous story ever invented by man. It wouldn't even make a good science fiction novel, much less a true story! That just shows that man is in a state of decay rather than becoming more fit.

Nevertheless, the theory of evolution proves how bizarre, far-fetched and ridiculous one has to be to deny God. Let's forget for a moment the obvious fact that apes can no more breed human descendants than humans can breed zebras as descendants. All anyone has to understand is the simple birds and bees to know why. But for those who don't, let's engage in fantasy and see what had to have happened for this impossible, crazy theory to have taken place;

1) Each ape had to find another creature which with to breed to create offspring that looks more like a human than an ape. The odds of that are incalculable.
2) Then these exact same offspring had to migrate all over the world because according to science fiction writers, homo-sapiens also existed in North America
3) The next step in this impossible chain is that each homo sapiens in North America had to find a mate identical to the mates of other homo-sapiens in Africa to breed descendants who could speak! That make the odds even more incalculable since no two animals and humans look and act alike. So the exact same so-called "mutations" had to have happened in thousands of homosapiens which makes the odds unfathomable as to be impossible.
4) There are no accounts by any ancient cultures of any of these creatures ever existing yet they are supposed to be our ancestors.
5) The so-called common ancestor from which these creatures supposedly came is still as imaginary as the minds who invented them. That makes the common ancestor as imaginary as the Flying spaghetti monster.

So the theory of evolution only exists in the imagination because it doesn't happen in reality. It's as well thought through, both in volume and scope of the imagination as "Lord of the Rings." At least Tolken was in touch with reality to know that his story was fictional. Science fiction is describing what could happen in reality. Science describes what does happen in reality. So it appears that scientists themselves are the last people capable of distinguishing between science and science fiction. Nevertheless, those whose blind faith is in scientists won't know that until scientists themselves declare evolution a hoax. That's because their faith isn't in the theory of evolution but rather in scientists themselves who change their minds with the seasons. So those whose faith is in scientists will look just as foolish as scientists do when they change their minds again.
OpticalAtrophy's avatar
Well, lucky for us, your initial concept is already wrong. Human life did not come from an ape. It came from a common ancestor shared with apes. If I could graph it out for you, it would look like an ever expanding tree, starting with the first life on earth and ending with our common ancestors shared with great apes. Off of that common ancestor would be pre-homo ancestor, leading into homo habilis and so on.
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